Sustainable Construction in Indian Country

Sustainable Construction in Indian Country

The Sustainable Construction in Indian Country (SCinIC) initiative is a congressionally mandated effort of the HUD Office of Policy Development and Research (PD&R), in partnership with ONAP. Under this four-year initiative, FirstPic, Inc. has promoted and supported sustainable construction practices in Native communities through a range of tasks. These included: The Review of Current Activities…

Troubled Housing Authority Technical Assistance

Troubled Housing Authority Technical Assistance

HUD awarded FirstPic, Inc. an Indefinite Quantity Contract by the HUD Office of Field Operations to provide training and technical assistance HUD designated troubled housing authorities. Under this contract, FirstPic, Inc. worked directly with the Detroit Housing Commission (DHC) to assist the organization in continuing its efforts to comply with Rental Housing Integrity Improvement Program…


Public and Indian Housing Information and Resource Center

FirstPic, Inc. provided coordination, implementation, and technical assistance for HUD’s Public and Indian Housing Information and Resource Center (PIH IRC). The PIH IRC was established to serve as an information management and technical support resource to each of the Office of Public and Indian Housing program offices. These offices include: the Office of Public Housing…

Performance Measures and Data Collection

Performance Measures and Data Collection

FirstPic, Inc. has been working closely with the Office of Native American Programs (ONAP) Headquarters, National Office, and Area Offices since fall of 2002 in support of the ONAP performance measure continuum that consists of measurement development, system design and support, and ONAP-wide staff training and technical assistance. Specifically, FirstPic, Inc. worked with ONAP to…

Energy and Mold Training

Energy and Mold Training and Technical Assistance in Indian Country Project

For eight years, FirstPic, Inc. provided support to HUD ONAP in identifying, reducing, and preventing mold and moisture conditions in American Indian/Alaska Native (AIAN) housing. This effort has been accomplished through strengthening and building partnerships with key agencies serving AIAN populations, providing expert training sessions to tribal members on mold and moisture issues, and assisting…

IHBG Leveraging Finance Program

Leveraging and Native American Finance Program Training and Outreach

FirstPic, Inc. conducted activities for HUD to provide training workshops and outreach to tribes, TDHEs, and third party sub-recipients on ONAP’s Native American Finance Program, also called the Leveraging Finance Program (LFP). LFP allowed tribes to use a portion of their own IHBG as security to encourage financial institutions to lend funds or issue a…

Grantee Trainings

Grantee Trainings

In 2010, FirstPic, Inc. was awarded a three-year contract to provide ongoing training to grantees and other interested parties on the applicable laws, regulations, and programmatic and functional processes associated with the IHBG program under NAHASDA and its implementing regulations. Changes in the law and corresponding regulations, combined with a high personnel turnover rate, make…

IHBG Formula Maintenance

Indian Housing Block Grant (IHBG) Formula Maintenance

HUD awarded FirstPic, Inc. a contract in 2007 for the Indian Housing Block Grant (IHBG) Formula Maintenance project, which provides a range of affordable housing activities on Indian reservations and communities. Approximately 580 American Indian tribes and Alaska Native villages and/or corporations are recipients under the program, as part of the block grant approach to…