Section 184

FirstPic, Inc. has provided Section 184 and Title VI training workshops and outreach services to lenders, TDHEs, and the Department of Hawaiian Homelands (DHHL). Over the course of a year, FirstPic, Inc. planned and conducted four separate training workshops for the Title VI program and for the Section 184 program at locations throughout the country. FirstPic, Inc.’s services included coordination of all logistics for the workshops with 80-plus attendees at each. Logistics included hotel and site selection, trainer selection and travel arrangements, materials reproduction, marketing, registration, on-site staffing, and evaluations coordination. As needed, FirstPic, Inc. developed and revised curriculum, agenda, and training materials on topics that include the Section 184 and Title VI program components as well as the legal status of Native land, cultural issues, the severe lack of infrastructure, financial literacy, seasonal income, and lack of credit.

In addition, FirstPic, Inc. provided outreach activities, including the development and distribution of outreach communication materials on a quarterly basis to promote the use of the Title VI and Section 184 programs. These materials reminded participants about the programs and provided updates on processes and successes. FirstPic, Inc. also operated a toll-free customer service line to provide information and technical assistance. We also assisted HUD in bringing creative redesign and periodic updates to the Section 184 and Title VI website.