For eight years, FirstPic, Inc. provided support to HUD ONAP in identifying, reducing, and preventing mold and moisture conditions in American Indian/Alaska Native (AIAN) housing. This effort has been accomplished through strengthening and building partnerships with key agencies serving AIAN populations, providing expert training sessions to tribal members on mold and moisture issues, and assisting tribes and tribally designated housing entities (TDHEs) in developing local strategies to resolve and/or prevent mold and moisture conditions.
In 2008, FirstPic, Inc. continued its efforts in mold and moisture problems and expanded its assistance into issues pertaining to indoor air quality (IAQ) and energy efficiency, weatherization of homes, and development of renewable energy. FirstPic Inc. continued to review relevant literature and conduct quarterly partnership meetings and monthly conference calls. We also performed 12-15 site visits each year to assess mold and moisture problems and conduct energy assessments, while providing technical assistance for tribal housing staff. In addition, staff planned and implemented regional training sessions for participants on topics related to mold and moisture prevention and remediation, energy efficiency, and IAQ. We also planned and conducted three national conferences on alternative energy and energy efficiency.
For this effort, FirstPic, Inc. provided the following services:
- On-site assessments for over 80 tribes to identify mold and moisture problems and assess energy efficiency in over 600 units.
- Recommendations of strategies and remedial actions to prevent and eliminate mold and moisture conditions and improve energy efficiency.
- Education and training of tribal housing staff on key issues and problems identified on each reservation visited.
- Planning and implementation of more than 20 regional training sessions nationwide.
- Organization of and participation in partnership meetings with other task holders to enhance resource availability.
- Identification of pertinent resources and literature.
- Organization and implementation of HUD’s national conferences on alternative energy and energy efficiency for Native audiences in 2008, 2010, and 2011.
For nationwide conferences, FirstPic, Inc. used established relationships with AIAN housing associations to better reach the target audience through brochures, postcards, newspaper announcements, website postings, fax e-blasts, and other regular communication. FirstPic, Inc. coordinated all training session logistics such as hotel and site selection, trainer selection, travel arrangements, materials reproduction, and on-site staffing and evaluations.