Since 2015, FirstPic, Inc. has provided program administration to the Sea Research Foundation as part of their Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) Multi-State Mentoring Programs. Through STEM Mentoring, FirstPic, Inc., and Sea Research have engaged over 9,000 youth mentees, ages 6-10, with over 2,300 mentors in structured science, technology, engineering, and math activities and interactive technologies. This fun, hands-on evidence based mentoring program is bringing STEM opportunities to at-risk communities, military bases, and tribal communities. Through this partnership, FirstPic, Inc:
- Provided technical assistance, advisory support, data collection services and training to Sea Research grant team and its affiliate sites.
- Collected, monitored, reviewed, and reported on OJJDP performance measures through a custom grants management software system designed to uniquely support the STEM Mentoring OJJDP grant.
- Provided management and logistical support as well as facilitated training sessions for national implementation trainings annually.
- Planned and facilitated multiple training opportunities and technical assistance activities each year.
- Coordinated the ordering of necessary materials by affiliate sites for module implementation.
- Served as liaison between STEM Mentoring affiliate sites and Sea Research Foundation.
- Conducted site visits to participating STEM Mentoring affiliate sites.
- Designed and administered evaluation mechanisms.
- Provided curriculum design for STEM Mentoring Mentee Manuals, Mentor Manuals and Program Coordinator Guides.
- Reviewed budgets and financial reimbursement requests for accuracy and adherence to OJJDP financial guidelines.