HUD awarded FirstPic, Inc. a contract in 2007 for the Indian Housing Block Grant (IHBG) Formula Maintenance project, which provides a range of affordable housing activities on Indian reservations and communities. Approximately 580 American Indian tribes and Alaska Native villages and/or corporations are recipients under the program, as part of the block grant approach to housing for Native Americans that was initiated by NAHASDA.
To assist HUD in operating the formula grant, FirstPic, Inc. performs update, correction, and operational activities that ensure both the Need and Formula Current Assisted Stock (FCAS) components of the formula are up to date. Specifically, FirstPic, Inc. provides HUD with collection, statistical, and policy analysis; runs the data analysis for the IHBG formula allocations for all participating tribes; notifies tribes of their allocations; and produces a range of specialized and routine reports.
In May 2007, as a result of negotiated rulemaking, new IHBG regulations were put into place revising much of the former policy. As such, FirstPic, Inc. has provided IHBG recipients with technical assistance on a range of issues such as FCAS, tribal enrollment, U.S. Census data challenges, and formula area challenges. As part of the current negotiated rulemaking process, FirstPic provides technical support for ONAP and tribal representatives which includes running scenarios, conducting research, and providing background. The outcome of rulemaking may involve implementing and verifying complex changes to the IHBG formula.
FirstPic, Inc. also conducts on-site assessments as a way of offering technical assistance while performing critical data validation and accountability tasks. This is a collaborative effort involving the University of Colorado Denver.
FirstPic, Inc. has been awarded this work in 2009, 2012, and again in 2014.